Are You Up For The Challenge?!

So, I made a thing...and if you hate it then I didn’t make it and forget you ever met me! LOL! This is why I’m doing when I should be writing. It’s the Maya Hughes Reading Challenge. Isn’t it so pretty? It also goes along with my new Reading Order page!

Isn’t the little printable so pretty!? You can print it out! Pin it! Or keep it online and check the books off as you go. I got the idea when a reader said she was keeping track of my books in a notebook and I thought maybe I could come up with something a little cuter to use.

What do you think? Are you up for the challenge?

CLICK HERE to download the Maya Hughes Reading Challenge printable!

Maya Hughes Reading Order.jpg

2019 Plans! And a Super Fun Halloween Quiz! Don't Miss it!

I’m so ready for Halloween! And by ready, I mean completely unprepared beyond reason, haha! My girls have changed their costume ideas at least ten times in the past five days. At this point, they are going to be zombies. Princess zombies!

If you’re feeling up for a little fun, I’ve got a halloween treat quiz you can take. Make your perfect pizza to find out which Halloween candy you are!

I’m gearing up for a writing intensive next few months to get everything ready for 2019. Can you believe it’s almost 2019?! I still feel like we were just into back to school mode.

I’ll have one more release this year with Alexei’s story in Under His Scars. He's the reluctant mob boss trying to make the family business legitimate and protect his brother. But a chance meeting has thrown all his exacting plans into chaos and it's not just his heart on the line anymore.

In early January, when some people might still be nursing those New Years Eve hangovers, the second chance romance that readers have been knocking down my door for arrives!! EMMETT and AVERY!!!! There will be some beach action to get you through the cold winter and some crazy hot time between the sheets!

Add Ruthless King to your Want to Read list!

The rest of the plans for 2019 are taking shape and they are out of this freaking world! Stay tuned…

Without further ado, here is your quiz!!